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Employee Exit Surveys
Insightlink offers an online Exit Survey Management System (ESMS) as a cost-effective method for managing and collecting employee exit survey data. InsightEXIT is a comprehensive and flexible management system for collecting and reporting employee exit survey data.
In our exit surveys, we specifically identify whether employees are leaving for "preventable" or "non-preventable" reasons, since this distinction is critical to understanding and reducing an organization's employee turnover. Our standard exit is also founded on Insightlink's 4Cs approach, which creates consistency between our engagement and exit systems.
Each InsightEXIT system includes a real-time reporting tool that lets clients access their survey results easily and effectively, with simple-to-use charts available at their fingertips. By seeing exit findings both individually and on an aggregate basis, our clients can use their results to take action to reduce employee turnover.
As a first step, Insightlink develops an exit survey that combines elements of our standardized exit survey and, if needed, our client's existing exit survey. Insightlink will then customize the ESMS online function to allow the client to manage their exit surveys. Typical functions include the ability to upload employee demographic information, initiate an invitation to complete a survey and access the online reporting tool.
For larger systems with online survey capabilities, it is possible for the ESMS to receive employee data automatically through regularly-scheduled secure file transfers, with email invitations sent concurrently with each data transfer. The InsightEXIT system can also be adapted to use paper surveys and/or to conduct telephone surveys as required to meet our clients' specific needs.
Once an exit survey has been completed, all InsightEXIT clients have access to the results of each individual interview within the ESMS management console. Each ESMS also incorporates an online reporting tool to create real-time aggregate summaries of the collected data in a graphical format, including the ability to filter the results by specific variables, such as department or job function.
Insightlink also offers a variety of optional "offline" reporting alternatives, including quarterly memos of the key highlights from the exit surveys and an analytical summary report of the findings in PowerPoint format ready for presentation to management.
We're happy to schedule a demo so that you can see the value of the InsightEXIT system. Please contact us at 1-866-802-8095 ext. 705 or by email at information@insightlink.com. Or
click here
to request a no-hassle, no obligation quote for your organization now.
Where do you fall within our Employee Survey Loyalty Matrix?
Committed Loyalist
Change Seeker
Dissatisfied Compromiser
Satisfied Opportunist
Take our short demo survey and find out now. An Insightlink 4Cs Survey can let you see this valuable data on employee engagement within your organization.
Some of our satisfied clients
Get a no-obligation quote today and find out how improving employee satisfaction can also improve your bottom line.
Did you know?
Our repeat clients who have used our 4Cs Action Planning Workbook average a 7% increase in overall satisfaction on follow-up employee surveys.  Employee surveys are a low cost investment in the success and profitability of your company. Research shows that companies with higher levels of employee satisfaction financially outperform their peers.
We've conducted surveys for hundreds of organizations large and small. Get a quote and discover how we can help you too.