Employee Survey Home

Companies lose $350 billion a year because of employee disengagement. Your company does NOT have to be one of them. Disengaged employees impact your business' productivity, level of innovation, and ultimately the bottom line.

When employees disengage, that's a problem both for you and your company. We call them "Dissatisfied Compromisers" and they make up more than one quarter of all U.S. employees. That's an alarming fact. But there are solutions and we can help with the most highly regarded employee survey solution available.

An Insightlink 4Cs Employee Engagement Study will:
  • show you how many "quit and stay" employees you have
  • give you clear direction on the actions you need to take to re-engage them
  • guide your strategic action plan based on your results
  • help transform your Dissatisfied Compromisers into Committed Loyalists
Do you know that companies with high levels of employee engagement earn returns that are more than double those of the overall market? Engagement and satisfaction are directly related to performance and profitability!

Some of our
satisfied clients

Our repeat clients who have used our 4Cs Action Planning Workbook average a 7% increase in overall satisfaction on follow-up employee surveys.


The opposite is also true. How much are your "quit and stay" employees costing your company in terms of lost business and unhappy customers? How does the ripple effect depress morale among their co-workers? How much can you gain by investing in an Insightlink 4Cs Employee Engagement Survey?

Are you ready to see how you can benefit from increased employee engagement?

If the answer is yes, you should CLICK HERE to request a no-obligation quote. With competetive pricing, we have solutions for every budget.

You can also CLICK HERE to download samples of our reporting and implementation guides. Our clients tell us we have the best quality and most useful reports of any vendor.

If you need information right away call us at 866-802-8095 x105 or email information@insightlink.com for a demo or pricing. You won't regret the call.

Insightlink's Critical 4Cs of Employee Engagement
Commitment - Culture - Communications - Compensation

Don't Be Happy about Increased Retention Unless You Know Who's Staying!

"If Dissatisfied Compromisers feel such a low sense of morale, why do they stay?"

In an uncertain economy, with an exceptionally tight job market, when good, well-paying jobs are at a premium, even if they want to leave a work situation, they may find it difficult to do so or they are unmotivated or lack the confidence to start over in a new environment.

You need to know how many of these employees you have in your organization.

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