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More Dissatisfied Compromisers in a Tough Economy

2008 Benchmarking Reveals Increases in Dissatisfied Compromisers

September 2008

In an economy with fewer jobs are available, employees are more risk-averse, so they appear less likely to make a move from any perceived job security, no matter how unhappy they may be. While organizations may enjoy less hassle and expense due to decreased voluntary employee turnover, the flip-side is insidious yet transparent - dissatisfied employees who remain in an organization because they feel stuck take a toll on employee morale, drain your organization's resources and lower productivity. Such employees who are not satisfied and plan to stay two or more years are what Insightlink calls "Dissatisfied Compromisers."

Employee Loyalty benchmarksThis is one of the segments of Insightlink's 4Cs Loyalty Matrix, which is into four distinct segments based on employees' overall job satisfaction and anticipated tenure with an organization. The Insightlink's 4Cs model of employee satisfaction has four key drivers - Commitment, Culture, Communications and Compensation.

Committed Loyalists are those employees who are satisfied working at your organization and plan to stay for two years or more. Clearly, you want to maximize the proportion of Committed Loyalists you have because of the strong contribution they make to the morale, productivity and overall success of your organization.

Satisfied Opportunists are the employees who plan to leave your organization even though they are satisfied with their jobs - these tend to be people who are always on the look out for new opportunities.

Change Seekers represent the employees who are not satisfied working at your organization and plan to leave within the next two years.

Finally, Dissatisfied Compromisers are the employees who are not satisfied working at your organization but still plan to stay for the longer term.

Together, the proportions of Satisfied Opportunists and Change Seekers indicate the risk of short-term employee turnover at your organization.

By taking steps to address the concerns of Dissatisfied Compromisers, clients see they can move some of them into becoming Committed Loyalists of a workforce.

Managing the 4Cs well by taking action on the results leads to increases in the proportion of Committed Loyalists and decreases in the proportion of Change Seekers.

Insightlink recommends that companies should strive to have at least 55% of Committed Loyalists in their organizations.

Although organizations can do little to control the proportion of Satisfied Opportunists, as there will always be employees who take an opportunistic approach to their career management, it is important to monitor the proportion of Satisfied Opportunists and, ideally, to keep that level at 3% or less.

Similarly, organizations should strive to keep the proportion of Dissatisfied Compromisers to less than 10% to ensure that these particular employees do not drain the organization's resources.

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Committed Loyalist
Change Seeker
Dissatisfied Compromiser
Satisfied Opportunist

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