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4Cs Blog: Happy Employees = Happy Customers

Posted by Insightlink on 06/19/13

Do You Have Disengaged Employees Bringing Down Productivity?

Do you currently struggle to keep your employees happy and satisfied?

Do you have disengaged employees who never seem to give 100% to their jobs?

Do your employees seem withdrawn and unmotivated, as if they have better things to do?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it is past time for you to seek honest feedback from your employees and make necessary changes. Here at Insightlink Communications, we can help you get the answers and feedback you need, so you can become the kind of employer that people want.

Our surveys will help you determine the type of employees you have working for you: change seekers, committed loyalists, satisfied opportunists, and dissatisfied compromisers. If you do not know which label your employees fall under, now is the time to find out. Instead of losing money because of unhappy employees, your company can be one that flourishes because of satisfied, productive workers.

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Posted by Insightlink on 06/13/13

73% Of Employees Want A Holiday Bonus

Not really any surprise here, but it appears that getting a cash bonus is the top choice for what employees want from their employers as a holiday perk.

Results from a survey by indicate that most employees put cash bonuses at the top of their wish list of employer-gifted holiday perks. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of the more than 2,000 adults surveyed listed a “cash bonus” as one of their top choices as an employer-gifted holiday perk this year, followed by a raise in salary (60%), paid time off (36%), grocery gift card (29%) and “work from home for 1 year” (13%).

How about ther traditional (and often regretted by some) holiday party? What do employees think about them? Only five percent (5%) of the respondents indicated that a “company party with open bar” would be on their wish list. In fact, of the nine perks identified in the results, the holiday party was the second least picked option, with “commuter subsidy” (2%) being the only option picked less. Gym membership (7%) was even picked more than a holiday party.

So, if holiday parties are not particulary wanted, will most companies still have them? The answer to that is a surprising “yes.”  96 of the 105 (91%) companies polled said that they will have a company party this year. Bring on the Secret Santas then, but don't drink too much and don't do anything you will regret later!

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Posted by Insightlink on 06/13/13

Ensure Success with an Employee Satisfaction Survey

The overall satisfaction of your employees can tell you a lot about the expected success of your business. The satisfaction of employees and their productivity go hand in hand. If your employees are unhappy and unsatisfied with their jobs, they are not going to work nearly as hard as they would if they were satisfied. With an employee satisfaction survey, you can find out how satisfied your employees are in a private, anonymous method.

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Posted by Insightlink on 06/13/13

How to Show Employee Loyalty?

 This may be the ultimate expression of employee committment and loyalty, although I'm not sure it's for everyone. The owner of a real estate company in New York is giving its 800 employees a unique loyalty incentive – a permanent 15% raise in exchange for getting a tattoo of the company logo. The owner got the idea when one of his  employees voluntarily had the complay logo tattooed on his arm. Thinking this was "cool" Anthony Lolli decided to offer the rest of his employees a straight 15% raise if they also had the company logo tattooed on their bodies in any size (or place) that they chose. So far 40 people have taken him up on the offer. Would you?

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Posted by Insightlink on 06/10/13

An Employee Morale Survey Can Help Your Business Succeed

Knowing When You Need a Morale Survey

If you feel that your employees might be feeling less than happy about their jobs, it may be time to take an employee morale survey. Morale surveys help you discover the truth about how your employees feel about their jobs and working conditions. Just because you think that everything is okay does not make it true – the fact is that your workers could be quite unhappy with various aspects of your operating procedures. Taking a survey gives them a chance to express their true feelings without fear of losing their jobs.

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Posted by Insightlink on 06/05/13

Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions Uncover Honest Answers

 Employee satisfaction surveys are a fast and easy way for employers to gain valuable insight into the minds of their employees. These surveys are designed to get honest answers. They make employees feel safe speaking their minds.

The employee satisfaction survey questions will reveal everything you need to know about the satisfaction of your employees. If they are not happy on the job, these surveys will tell you why – and you can start fixing the problems.

Any successful business owner will tell you that they are only successful because their employees are happy. Unhappy, unsatisfied employees lead to reduced productivity. Our surveys will help you uncover problem areas, such as pay rates and working environments, so you can start making necessary changes.

When your employees are satisfied with their jobs, they will be more productive, helping to make your business more successful. Contact us today to learn more about our satisfaction surveys.  

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Where does your company stand on each of the critical "4Cs" of employee engagement and satisfaction?
  • Commitment
  • Culture
  • Communications
  • Compensation
Find out with a benchmarked and validated 4Cs Employee Survey from Insightlink. Since 2001, one of the most trusted research companies in North America.

How many of each do you have?
  • Committed Loyalists
  • Change Seekers
  • Dissatisfied Compromisers
  • Satisfied Opportunists
Only the Insightlink 4Cs Employee Survey can give you the full picture and let you hear how your employees feel about their experience at your organization.


Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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