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4Cs Blog: Happy Employees = Happy Customers

Posted by Insightlink on 08/01/13

Do You Have Engaged or Disengaged Employees?

Have you ever thought about how engaged your employees are with your company and with each other? Do you know that their engagement or lack of it is an important factor in your overall success?

Disengaged employees are employees that care very little about their jobs, their coworkers, and the company. They are not likely to go above and beyond in order to help the business succeed. These kinds of employees are only working the job until something better comes along – they have no real loyalty to your business, because they just do not care about it. In an ideal situation, each one of your employees would be engaged with each other and the business. Each employee would care about the overall success of your business and would have plans to stay with the company for many years.

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Posted by Insightlink on 07/17/13

Gain Valuable Insight and Answers with an Employee Satisfaction Survey Report

An employee satisfaction survey report is one of the easiest ways you can gain insight into the minds of your employees. Think of the report as a book written by your employees about their job satisfaction or lack of satisfaction. With honest insight into the minds of your workers, you can easily find areas where you may need to make improvements. Even the best of bosses -- even the ones that feel they do everything possible to keep their employees happy -- can benefit from satisfaction surveys.

The fact is that no matter how good of a job you think you are doing, there is almost always room for improvement; and a survey is the best way to find out which areas need improvement. Here at Insightlink Communications, satisfaction surveys are one of our specialties. We understand how important it is to keep your workers happy on the job. That is why we take special care in the preparation of our survey questions, because we want to reveal the truth for you.

As the saying goes, “the truth will set you free,” – and it will, especially in the area of job satisfaction. Satisfied workers are hard workers – they care about the future of the company. Those are the kinds of people you want working for you. Find out today whether or not your employees are truly satisfied with their jobs – and if not, find out what you can do to make them happy again.

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Posted by Insightlink on 07/17/13

An Employee Satisfaction Survey Bridges Distance

When you operate a small business, it is fairly easy to find out if your employees are satisfied. With only a handful of employees, everyone is practically like family. Everyone feels close enough and comfortable enough to be honest about their feelings.

When you operate a large business, with hundreds of employees, it is much easier to lose that feeling of family and lose touch with your employees. That is where an employee satisfaction survey can help bridge the distance. Surveys offer employees easy, anonymous ways of letting upper-management know how they feel about their job situations. If workers are unhappy, a survey gives them a way to tell you they are unhappy.

If they are completely satisfied, a survey gives them a way to let you know why they are happy. Here at Insightlink Communications, we are the survey specialists you need to uncover how your employees feel about your current operations. Our surveys utilize a series of questions that will reveal the truth about the feelings of your employees. If they are unhappy, the surveys will let you know why – then, you can start making any necessary changes to bring your employee morale back up again.

If your employees are happy, the survey will tell you why, so you will know which aspects require no changes at all. After all, if something is not broken, why fix it?

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Posted by Insightlink on 07/16/13

A Better Motivator Than Money

What Is the Secret to Employee Motivation?

A recent study by the McKinsey Group highlights what we've been saying for years. When it comes to motivating employees, financial incentives are not the most effective tool. In survey after survey, we've found that regular recognition and appreciation matters most to employees.

Why is it then that so many organizations fail at this relatively easy (and pretty much free) strategy for motivating and engaging their workforce? It all comes down to ineffective managers who misplace their focus on what means most to employees.

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Posted by Insightlink on 07/11/13

Why You Should Offer an Employee Morale Survey

Have you ever offered an employee morale survey at your business? If not, you may not realize the value of these kinds of surveys. The morale of your workers will reflect in their productivity – if they are not happy, they are not going to be as productive. That is where a survey can help you. Through a survey, you can find out exactly how your workers are feeling about your business. If they are unhappy, you can find out why, making it easier for you to make necessary changes.

If they are perfectly happy with their jobs, you can find out why, to ensure that you keep them happy. Knowing how your workers feel about your business operations, as well as their personal jobs, is the best way to stay on track for success. You want your workers to feel proud of their jobs. You want them to take pride in the tasks they perform. When your employees are proud, they work harder. They want to see your business succeed because they care about it.

If your workers could not care less about their jobs or your business, they are only going to do the bare minimum required – and that is not going to help your business succeed. If you are ready to find out how your workers feel about their jobs, as well as their boss (YOU), it is time to give them a morale survey. You need to uncover the truth in order to make any needed changes – and Insightlink Communications is here to help you uncover that truth.  

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Posted by Insightlink on 07/11/13

How to Avoid Disengaged Employees

Have Your Employees Lost Their Drive?

If you have recently noticed that your employees seem to be less interested in their jobs, it may be time to take a survey of your employees. The wants and needs of employees can change over time. If too many become disengaged, those feelings can lead to lower productivity. In addition, these employees often don't hide their feelings, so that can negatively impact the morale of those around them. When your employees are no longer happy with their jobs and their duties, they often either leave or, even worse, become "quit and stay" employees. This can be extremely detrimental to the success of your organization.

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Where does your company stand on each of the critical "4Cs" of employee engagement and satisfaction?
  • Commitment
  • Culture
  • Communications
  • Compensation
Find out with a benchmarked and validated 4Cs Employee Survey from Insightlink. Since 2001, one of the most trusted research companies in North America.

How many of each do you have?
  • Committed Loyalists
  • Change Seekers
  • Dissatisfied Compromisers
  • Satisfied Opportunists
Only the Insightlink 4Cs Employee Survey can give you the full picture and let you hear how your employees feel about their experience at your organization.


Insightlink Communications are experts in employee survey design, data collection and analysis. Since 2001 we've helped companies of all sizes measure and improve their employee satisfaction and engagement.

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