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Employee Survey Company

Insightlink Communications is your one-stop source for employee surveys , exit surveys and other research tools for measuring employee attitudes and opinions. We work with you and your team to understand and create solutions for your unique needs - and we do it with unmatched expertise, efficiency and value.

4Cs Employee SurveysYou will see why our clients praise Insightlink's 4Cs Employee Survey and our InsightEXIT Survey Management system when you experience the peace-of-mind that comes from understanding your employee survey results, and receiving the tools for implementing changes firmly in your hands. Talk with one of our researchers for 10 minutes today and find out why clients choose Insightlink Communications both for fast, reliable and actionable results and for unsurpassed customer responsiveness.

When you choose Insightlink, you will get much more than just a way to efficiently collect employee survey data. With Insightlink's 4Cs Employee Survey , you can immediately see and use your findings to effectively create positive change within your organization. Through the InsightEXIT Survey Management System, you will be able to get your arms around what factors are motivating your employees to leave and be able to take action to reduce turnover and increase employee retention.

Together, Insightlink's 4Cs Employee Opinion Surveys and the InsightEXIT Survey Management System give you an unparalleled opportunity to hear a full range of employee opinions and to take action toward making meaningful changes at your organization.

Insightlink's 4Cs Employee Survey


Insightlink is unique in examining all aspects of the employee experience through the "4Cs" - Commitment, Culture, Communications and Compensation. With an Insightlink 4Cs survey, you will see a comprehensive evaluation that helps you maximize your human capital by providing not only an insightful, strategic analysis but also highlighting concrete directions for goal setting to impact change and improve employee engagement within your organization.

Insightlink's 4Cs studies include the following:
  • Initial consulting to understand the key issues in your organization
  • Survey design and deployment (selection of online surveys, hardcopy surveys or a combination of methods)
  • Data collection
  • Comprehensive data cross-tab reports
  • Reporting of open-end responses
  • Insightlink's 4Cs Importance/Performance Analysis
  • Insightlink's 4Cs Loyalty & Engagement Matrix
  • Insightlink's 4Cs Motivation Index
  • Insightlink's 4Cs Employee Satisfaction Benchmarks for the US
  • Insightlink's 4Cs Graphical Summary Report (delivered in PowerPoint)
  • Data archiving for future trend analysis

  • Options include:
  • Insightlink's 4Cs Employee Satisfaction Benchmarks for specific industries
  • Incorporation of your organization's past study data for trend analysis
  • Insightlink's 4Cs Comprehensive Strategic Analysis Report (delivered in PowerPoint)
To learn more, click here for further details.

If you want to see what an Insightlink 4Cs study would cost for your organization, request a quote now.

To see what an online survey is like, click for short survey demo.

Download Samples of Insightlink's 4Cs Tools:

Insightlink 360°

Insightlink 360° is a Web-based survey management and reporting tool designed to make 360° assessment surveys simple and cost-effective for any size organization. Insightlink 360° systems are both easy to set up and to implement. We can customize a system just for your organization or you can use our standard system and pay as you go. Either way, it's easy for you to use to produce effective 360° reviews from any group within your organization in only a few steps.

To learn more or see a demo, click here for further details.

Exit Interviews


When employees choose to leave for other organizations, it pays to ask them why because, by seeing why they are leaving, you can take action to prevent future turnover. The InsightEXIT Survey Management System gives you an easy-to-manage, cost effective way to gather this important information from departing employees. Hosted on our servers and branded with your organization's identity, our InsightEXIT system is easy, user-friendly and, most of all, can help improve your organization's bottom line by identifying the key reasons why valuable employees are leaving.

The key reasons why clients choose Insightlink Communications for their exit interviews include:
  • Versatility : See how InsightEXIT can meet your exit survey objectives either through our low-cost standardized online survey system or through a customized system that is better adapted to your needs.
  • Value : Look around and you will discover that Insightlink is one of the only survey companies that is so confident in the services we provide that you pay based on surveys actually taken instead of projected turnover - this means that the cost of using our system will drop as your turnover decreases!
  • Flexibility : Imagine having as a partner a highly experienced research and project management team who can provide effective solutions to every exit survey challenge.
  • Snapshots : Through InsightEXIT, you'll see not only a snapshot of preventable turnover but also have real-time access to all completed surveys, both individually and on an aggregate basis.
  • Impact : By effective use of open-ended verbatim questions, you'll literally "hear" timely feedback from departing employees on their reasons for leaving so you can assess how turnover is affecting your organization overall.
  • Action : You'll get a firm handle on your results and learn how to plan for solutions with the exit survey tools Insightlink puts in your hands.
  • Timeliness : Your personal InsightEXIT HR console will illuminate "red flags" indicating high levels of dissatisfaction that warrant further exploration and alert you to take follow-up action if needed.
  • Accessibility : Experience the confidence of our unsurpassed customer responsiveness.
Exit interviews can save your company money, since replacing a valuable employee can cost as much as 150% of the departing employee's salary. Finding out why people are leaving can provide valuable insight on how to prevent others from following their colleagues out the door. How much is turnover costing you? Use our simple calculator to find out .

Custom Research Services

Employee/Employer Focus Groups, Telephone Interviews, Screening and Recruiting and Custom Research Studies are some of the additional research services Insightlink can provide.

We can help you design and deploy...
  • Engagement Surveys
  • Engagement Surveys for Credit Unions
  • HR Satisfaction Surveys
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Training Needs Surveys
  • Recruiting Evaluations
  • Conference Evaluations
  • HR Benefits Surveys
  • Business Continuity Surveys
  • Course Evaluation Surveys
With more than 20 years of research experience and expertise at our fingertips, we are confident we can provide you with the right solutions to address any issue. We are also affliated with Gray Insight , where Fortune 500 companies from beverage to healthcare turn for expert market research. Gray Insight’s commitment to both qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as our Insight Accelerator Clinics , has allowed us to help many clients successfully launch new products, tap into their markets and grow their revenues and/or market share.

If you do not see what you are looking for, please call us toll-free at 1-866-802-8095 or email: to discuss your needs.


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